Our Mission

Low-carbon access
to the fruits of the city

Following World War II, most Americans stopped walking and came to consider it normal for adults to need a 2-ton car to access the things of daily life—a haircut, groceries, a hardware store, a park. That is still largely the case. Yet in a time of climate crisis, exorbitant housing costs, expensive health care, and stagnant wages, requiring each adult to own a vehicle that costs $5,000 to $10,000 a year is neither economically sustainable or wise for the planet. It also diminishes community, makes our streets less safe, and excludes kids and the elderly.

El Cerrito/Richmond Annex Walk & Roll believes that El Cerrito can be a prosperous model city with a small carbon footprint and a healthy citizenry.

Our goals include:

1. Make bike and pedestrian access to destinations in town safe, easy, and fun for people of all ages and abilities, and build community between El Cerrito and Richmond Annex. This includes designating clearly marked east-west corridors across the city, providing safe street crossings and better access to assets on both sides of San Pablo Avenue, including the Bay Trail and the Ohlone Greenway.

2. Determine and mark safe routes for kids to schools and places of interest, such as parks and the library. Imagine everyone from 8 to 80 being safe crossing town. 

3. Encourage businesses to welcome customers arriving by bicycles, for example by providing more bicycle racks in town near business entrances. Remind businesses that loyal customers don’t all come by car!

4. Affirm implementation of the Complete Streets element of El Cerrito’s San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan to provide access to retail and services for residents whether they own a car or not.

5. Explore/plan park streets or pedestrian-oriented streets that limit auto access.

6. Advocate for non-automobile access to the BART stations. Make sure it feels safe to arrive at BART by means other than a car.